

Belleview-Santos’ faculty and staff continue to provide quality instruction that will contribute to developing our academically minded learners through the implementation of rigorous and relevant instruction, building relationships, and collaborative teaching in a safe and supportive learning environment.

Classroom instruction is based on the expectations identified in the Florida Standards. Classroom instruction is supported with the use of curriculum maps and Standards Focus Boards in all academic areas. The curriculum maps are a guideline for teachers that identify standards for each subject and are correlated to the curriculum and textbooks available to all students.

It is the expectation that all lessons and daily instruction are aligned to the Florida Standards and follow the pacing guide set forth by our district. This provides teachers the ability to check progress towards mastery by completing required district assessments and to use this data to remediate or enrich students.

For more information regarding the Florida Standards please visit the FLDOE.org FLDOE


Students following a regular curriculum at Belleview Santos Elementary use the Marion County adopted textbooks:

  • CKLA - Core Knowledge Language Arts
  • Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Go Math
  • National Geographic Science